Saves old homeless Oupa

Zanele Tricia Masule was walking through the park when men with guns started to run towards her, she froze knowing what was going to happen, but then a homeless man came to her rescue.


Johannesburg, South Africa – Zanele Masule took to Facebook to celebrate an old man who saved her life. She found herself becoming the target of a violent attack, but before the guys had a chance to get near her, an old man sent them off with their tails between their legs.

Since then, she has started a crowdfunding campaign to help the old man get off the streets and into a comfortable place to retire in safety!

“So yesterday evening I was walking home through the park from the shops and a car stopped and three guys came running towards me, one with a gun. I knew right there I was screwed. I then heard a lot of voetseks and F-yous and I was ready to hand them my life. Only to find that it’s this man in the picture (Oupa), limping and walking as fast as he can to scare off these thugs with his walking stick. The guys ran back and left me and Oupa standing there.”

Zanele couldn’t believe what had just happened. She burst into tears and walked over to Oupa to thank him for helping her.  She realised that while he has a lovely heart, he has a potty-mouth.

“I was in tears as I always see Oupa picking up papers and swearing continuously. (I think he has Tourettes). He is a gentle soul and he stays on the streets in Malvern East. I could only thank him with the little that I had which was R50 and some coins. He left all his boxes and his one blanket to help me an absolute stranger. He is very old and has no immediate family left. Very smart with a vulgar mouth. But a guardian angel for all those that walk through the dangerous park.”

She has become inspired to do something for Oupa to say thank you for helping her. Zanele and her husband went to visit Oupa, and he told her that next time she feels scared while in the park, that she should shout out for him.

“It’s winter. He has no clothes or food. I had to go back with my husband today to give him money and spend time with him as I felt he needs recognition. If any one near or far would like to help him during this cold winter please contact me as he is a pillar of strength. We need more heros like this. He never asked me for anything after just kept telling me I should scream out to him in future if I’m in trouble.

Also told me to inform others as he ‘knows the streets’. Guys, please help me help him and together we can help many others like him. I’m still shaking as I write this. And that’s out of shock. I can’t imagine him shaking during the cold nights yet still very ready to attack any thug with a mere walking stick. Help me make Oupa trend.”

Zanele started the crowdfunding page and had managed to raise over R10 000 in just 24 hours.

Funds raised will help cover:

Material and labour costs. He will need a bit of furniture, Bed, couch, utensils etc. Clothes as he has none and also money so he can get regular medical care and food.

He will finally have a place to rest his head, warmth, a home to retire in. He can have his health taken care of and food. No more begging as he has Tourettes and that’s already a problem for him in the streets as people tend to take advantage of him

All monies will be used in building Oupas home and furniture, clothes etc.

“Where possible, funds raised will be transferred directly to the relevant organisation – medical/building supplier. The rest of the funds will be managed by the campaign creator and paid out as per Zanele’s instructions for any costs involved in helping Oupa.” 

To help with this incredible cause, click here!

Sources: Facebook | Backabuddy 
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About the Author

Brent Lindeque is the founder and editor in charge at Good Things Guy.

Recognised as one of the Mail and Guardian’s Top 200 Young South African’s as well as a Primedia LeadSA Hero, Brent is a change maker, thought leader, radio host, foodie, vlogger, writer and all round good guy.

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