While some struggle to get employment, one man has identified a market and says he has found the key to making his mark in the world.

Pretoria East Rekord recently reported about Peter Masemola (34) from Mamelodi who identified a way to earn a living doing something he is very good at.

Masemola runs a unique mobile valet car wash service, but the unique thing about Masemola’s car wash is he does not even own a car.

He says he could not take it anymore struggling day-by-day trying to earn a decent rand.

“I knew I had to do something,” he said.

During the festive season he came up with a plan to create a business that many would appreciate. The business was a car wash that moved to its clients.

He took his bicycle, and latched it onto another contraption that worked as a trailer on the bicycle. Masemola said this helped him get around with his equipment to clean cars.

He said he however still needed help to grow his business and would appreciate any assistance.

“My plan is to hire two more guys to help me wash cars, and cover more areas in Pretoria,” Masemola said.
He said it would take a lot of hard work, because he already had to travel long distances with the heavily loaded trailer attached to his bicycle.

Masemola said he wants to grow his business and asked anyone who could sponsor car wash equipment to please contact him as this would allow him to save money for his business to grow.

The owner of Super Valet and Car wash service said he wanted to help others find employment.

Travelling from Mamelodi to the east of Pretoria everyday, Masemola said he was lucky to have the assistance of a filling station on Lynnwood Road allowing him to leave his bicycle there during the day.

The 34-year-old said he charged R50 during week days and R75 over weekends.

He said the R50 was charged during the week where he went to business parking lots and washed cars while the owners were at work.

On weekends R75 applied as he sometimes needed to travel long distances.

Masemola asked anyone who needed a sparkling wash of their vehicle to call him personally on 076-752-2067.

The areas he covers are Hatfield, Moreleta Park and Brooklyn but said he was willing to venture into new areas on request.

On the day Masemola’s bicycle was slightly battered and not in good shape, Masemola asked Rekord to withhold taking photos of it.

He said he was working on repairing the bicycle and saving for its servicing and repairs as this affected his business.

Masemola, who recently received a brand new bicycle from a bicycle shop in the east, said he could not believe the changes that were happening to him.

Life Cycles, a cycling shop in Moreleta Park, donated a bicycle to Masemola after hearing about his story.

Masemola’s bicycle had broken down two months prior when Life Cycle shop owner Peet Venter intervened.

Venter contacted Rekord to find out more about Masemola and said he wanted to help him and the Life Cycles team gave Masemola a shining new set of wheels.

Masemola said he was speechless after the gesture.

“I’m very grateful to Mr Venter. He has believed in my dream of hiring people once my business grows, which is what I plan to do,” said Masemola.

“When I mentioned my bicycle was broken I had no idea someone would give me a new one.”

Masemola said this was the push he needed to pursue his dream of running a successful valet car wash that went to the people.

Venter lauded Masemola for his initiative to start a business.

“When I read Masemola travelled to his clients and that his bicycle was in a bad condition, I knew I had to do something,” said Venter.

“Masemola wants to change his life and anyone who does that deserves assistance.”

Venter said Masemola was welcome to bring his bicycle to his shop for repairs at any time during the month.

Just recently Masemola met with a tax practitioner who will be assisting him to register his mobile car wash business.

He said he met with tax practitioner Peter Herbst, of Taxphacts consulting, about two weeks ago.

“He told me to think about what I wanted for the business,” said Masemola.

He said Herbst would assist him with most of the legal paperwork involved in registering his car wash business.

How incredible… to see one idea turn into a real business with the help of fellow South Africans. Plus, who doesnt love a car wash that comes to you!


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About the Author

Brent Lindeque is the founder and editor in charge at Good Things Guy.

Recognised as one of the Mail and Guardian’s Top 200 Young South African’s as well as a Primedia LeadSA Hero, Brent is a change maker, thought leader, radio host, foodie, vlogger, writer and all round good guy.

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