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Photo Cred: Good Things Guy | Brent Lindeque

One South African has put all her focus into rebuilding a school in dire need of some love and attention.


The structure of a classroom is essential for a student’s morale and their ability to learn but Masibulele Educare Centre is a school deemed structurally unsafe for its children yet remains a vital and necessary place for its students and the community.

Masibulele (a Isixhosa word that means ‘thank you’) is an Educare Centre in Khayelitsha, Cape Town that was opened in 1995 by a lady named Thandi Xaba, she was the first principal. In 2015, she handed over this role to her daughter Patricia, who currently runs the school.

Thandi chose this name, ‘Masibulele’ as she wanted to say thank you to the families who trusted her and sent their children to her Educare Centre. At this school there is a continuous sense of deep appreciation and gratitude towards each other and those who believe in them.

These teachers are dedicated to the upliftment of their school and the education of our youth.

Olivia Krok, a Capetonian, crossed paths with Patricia one day in the park. Being interested in early childhood development Olivia shared her number as she had always hoped to one day work with kids. Weeks past and Patricia took the initiative and called her.

“As I walked into Masibulele I felt a connection, I could see they were trying their best but the building was in really bad condition. I realized even if they had educational materials but not a safe space to learn, it would not allow these children to learn effectively.”

And so the journey began, one day at time, trying to figure out the rules, regulations and the right team to be part of this project, to rebuild Masibulele Educare Centre. Olivia has partnered with organisations such as Unthando and Ikamva Labuntu whom have worked in the communities for many years.

“We want to build not just a school but a place in the hearts of its teachers, children and parents that empowers the future of this community, a place that nurtures growth, learning and a meaningful future for the young lives it serves.

Together we can build a school that can stand for future generations and through its involvement in the community, help 100s of children realize their potential as future citizens of their community and country.”

The current state of Masibulele:

  • The school is a double-storey informal building
  • The staircase is unstable
  • Nails and other sharp objects are exposed
  • The roof and walls need to be repaired
  • The windows are broken
  • Winters are freezing, summers boiling
  • Susceptible to shack fires

As an informal, make-shift structure in a high-risk fire zone area there is a high risk of fire damage and a life-threatening situation for the 8 teachers and 140 children at Masibulele.

They take a risk each day they come to school but despite this they do because there is not alternative for them right now.

Their goal to raise 1.5 Million, which will be used to build a safe and environmentally friendly structure which will not only provide a space for the teachers and children to grow but a place which will motivate others to keep dreaming and keep striving for success.

To get more information about the project, click here.

Sources: Masibulele
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About the Author

Brent Lindeque is the founder and editor in charge at Good Things Guy.

Recognised as one of the Mail and Guardian’s Top 200 Young South African’s as well as a Primedia LeadSA Hero, Brent is a change maker, thought leader, radio host, foodie, vlogger, writer and all round good guy.

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