Theres an incredible change going on in South Africa right now… something amazing, where people are changing perspectives and helping each other out.

Riaan Dohne, a gym owner in Durban is one of those people. He met Brian Dlamini a little over a year ago and in the time became friends with someone who has changed his perspective on South Africans forever.

He posted this story on Facebook yesterday which is going viral for all the right reasons.

Brian walked past Riaan’s gym on his way home around a year ago and saw a bunch of members training… he walked in and started training without knowing it was a class for members only.

“I saw him and let him be and after class I spoke to him and he told me abit about himself and I decided to give him a free membership…. he has never missed a class since.”

Recently Brian asked Riaan if he could take home some old roof panels that were stored away in the back of the gym. Not knowing what he needed it for and since Riaan wasn’t using them, he offered them with the greatest of pleasure.

Knowing that Brian didn’t have transport as he walks everywhere, Riaan agreed to help him after a Saturday class.

“Not thinking much of it I agreed and after class we loaded up my bakkie and he took me to his place.”

They drove out of the city and into Chesterville Squatter Camp, an area with no actual roads. They arrived at a random spot, off loaded the panels and carried it to his house which was quite a distance away but had no vehicle access.

“We made few trips as there quite a lot to carry which was quite unexpected after a hectic workout… haha”

Brian asked if Riaan would like to see his home and meet his mother. Riaan agreed and after meeting his mother he said to her:

“This is Riaan mom… the man who’s been letting me train and keep fit at his gym, the man I prayed for God to put in our lives.”

Riaan Dohne

In that moment, Riaan had an epiphany, his entire perspective changed.

“But then it hit me… that this isn’t all just simply about a guy that just gyms by me… everything I now saw in a different perspective as I put myself in his shoes living like he does in those circumstances.”

“How his daily life must be and what struggles he must face.”

Brian explained that he needed the roof panels for the holes in his tin roof and said when it rains it gets very cold in their house as water gets in so he was planning to use the pallets to try cover up all the holes.

After chatting for a bit, Brian asked if he could show him his CV as he would be grateful to find some new work.

“He kept the CV safe in a plastic sleeve in a shoe box, under his couch.”

Riaan Dohne

Brian said he was currently doing training at a construction company…. without pay and without a contract. He explained that they just told him after 6 months of training, they might have a job for him. He works from 8am to 5pm everyday, only gets money for transport and sometimes an extra R100 at end of the week.

“We all know that there will be NO job after 6 months for him. These guys are just taking advantage of his good nature and his situation and he’s just nieve in believing there will be a job for him there at the end.”

“So I’m asking FOR HELP.”

Riaan has taken it upon himself to help Brian find real work. He posted the request on social media and the response has been incredible but no work has been found yet.

“This man is so genuine and loyal and so hard working. Just reflecting on all of this just shows what an amazing character and attitude he has and that he jus needs an opportunity and I mean any opportunity.”

“He currently is 36 years old looks after his mother and has no source of income yet has never complained or asked for money.”

If you live in the Durban area and can assist Brian, please contact Riaan by clicking here or calling 0836451609

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About the Author

Brent Lindeque is the founder and editor in charge at Good Things Guy.

Recognised as one of the Mail and Guardian’s Top 200 Young South African’s as well as a Primedia LeadSA Hero, Brent is a change maker, thought leader, radio host, foodie, vlogger, writer and all round good guy.

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