The Richmond community in KwaZulu-Natal organised a mass clean up of their local looted Boxer store and it has inspired and uplifted everyone.
Richmond, South Africa (15 July 2021) – The last week has been quite the eye-opener for many South Africans. Many have realised that we really are better together and have united to protect and serve their communities. The trauma of the week has closely knit many community members.
A close knit community is a thriving one as people can turn to each other when things get hard and celebrate when times are great. Close knit communities also support local businesses and boost their local economy.
Seeing the unity during this time has left us feeling rather emotional! The community of Richmond in KwaZulu-Natal had no control over their local shopping centre being looted but once the dust settled, they joined forces to clean the Boxer shopping centre.
The community say they will pick up the pieces, and thrive again.
“Together we can pick up our town again …was very encouraging to be welcomed and encouraged by the municipal staff in assisting to clean up” – Johan Meeding
The community of Richmond is just one of many that are now picking up the pieces and cleaning up the destruction. If your community have also done a clean up or plan to, reach out and share the details with us, we would love to honour each and every community! Take a look at the Richmond community’s efforts below.