The seaside town of Paternoster rallied together to help a bride on her wedding day after the guesthouse she was staying at went up in flames just 3-hours before her wedding.
Clarence Ford, a radio DJ at Heart 104.9 shared the story of his wedding day in the seaside town of Paternoster and how disaster turned into a fairytale.
His bride, Wendy had her worst nightmare come true. Her wedding day was nearly up in flames. Wendy and her bridal party were staying at a guesthouse. As with every wedding, all the dresses, makeup, honeymoon bags and everything else needed to get ready were at the guesthouse.
About 3 and a half hours before the wedding, the guesthouse went up in flames and everything the bridal party needed had disappeared. We can only imagine the distress that Wendy must have been feeling.
Thankfully, Paternoster is a small seaside town and all the residents rallied together to help Wendy have the wedding day she deserved.
“The people of Paternoster rallied around the deeply distressed women and girls and got them kitted out in other wedding clothes, including a bridal dress.”
“I am amazed, humbled and grateful for the generosity of spirit showed by the people of Paternoster. They enabled a beautiful wedding. I am even more amazed at the strength that my wife, Wendy De Klerk showed through this ordeal.”
The wedding dress was quickly tailored to fit Wendy and although the wedding was set back by three hours, Clarence said it was a magical day for all involved.
“As the beautiful bride arrived at the ceremony, 3 hours late, with a wedding dress hastily tailored to fit her frame, the sun, missing for an entire day made a dramatic appearance, the wind stilled enabling a riveting sunset and an unforgettable ceremony and reception under the stars. God is Good and my wife is strong…..what more can a man ask for?”
Sadly the couple couldn’t go on their honeymoon to Victoria Falls as Wendy’s passport was burnt. But they did manage to get to Sun City though so they are still able to celebrate their wedding in style. What a wonderful thing it must have been, to be helped so quickly on such an important day.