A woman recently shared a story about a security guard’s kindness that makes her day a little better (and warmer) consistently.
Sasolburg, South Africa (22 June, 2023) — We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again. A little kindness goes a long way. In fact, a small dose of kindness is often the not-so-secret ingredient to a much better day, especially when you’re at work! One woman recently shared how the female security guard’s kindness at her workplace makes her day every day, and we thought it was too special not to share.
Speaking to Good Things Guy, Leatitia Fourie shared how Yanga Mtshingila makes sure she’s a little warmer every morning—humanity in its purest form.
Leatitia Shares:
I’ve been working at my current company for 14 years, and I have met some very kind-hearted people along the way. But this certain person, a security guard at the gate just melted my heart.
Every morning before I enter the gate to clock in, she greets me with the kindest smile. And then she holds out her hot water bottle and places my hand on it, and her hand on top of mine.
We always make small talk while she keeps my hands warm, and then I am off to work.
When it’s time to go home, she always wants to know how my day was and that she will see me again the next day.
This very special lady is Yanga, and she is 35. I will be turning 36 this year, which means we are basically from the same generation.
I would love to do something special for her as well, just to return the favour and show her that her kind heart not only warmed my hands, but also my heart.
So often in busy work environments, security guards, cleaners, grounds workers and other service-related fields get overlooked in general co-worker mingling and connection.
This is your sign to get to know the people in your workspace who might not have the same job description as you. The ones you see every day but haven’t had a full conversation with. Extend warmth, some kindness and you might just make more than someone else’s day—you might just earn a new friendship.