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It was only when her doctor diagnosed her with a liver condition and warned her that if it worsened, she might end up needing a liver transplant, did Anja realize that a serious change was needed.


Pretoria, South Africa (10 May 2021) – For Pretoria Mom Anja Ackerman (35), losing one of her twins in a miscarriage was simply too much to bear. While one daughter survived, who she adores, the devastating loss of the other led to emotional eating and other unhealthy habits. Over time, she gained more and more weight, eventually reaching 107 kg.

Over the course of a decade, Anja had tried many diets without any success. Some even made her feel ill, but none worked. This disappointment compounded her insecurities with the result that her habit of eating as a comforter perpetuated itself. 

It was only when her doctor diagnosed her with a liver condition and warned her that if it worsened, she might end up needing a liver transplant, did Anja realize that a serious change was needed. The fright of this jolted her into action as she suddenly faced the prospect of major surgery or a compromised life. She also realized that in order to be the best mother she could be, she needed to be healthy. 

It was only when her doctor diagnosed her with a liver condition and warned her that if it worsened, she might end up needing a liver transplant, did Anja realize that a serious change was needed.
Photo Cred: Anja Ackerman

Not all angels have wings, and as if heaven-sent, it was Anja’s mom that found the solution. She not only encouraged Anja to try Slender Wonder but, having read so much about its long history of success as a medical weight loss programme, also paid for her first month on the programme. This was when things started to change. Anja welcomed the opportunity and embraced the journey wholeheartedly. 

Anja recalls that while the initial detox phase was a little challenging, it soon became easy because the programme enabled her to eat foods that she already had at home. Every time she faced temptation, by reminding herself that emotional eating was the reason she was in this position, she did not falter. 

It was only when her doctor diagnosed her with a liver condition and warned her that if it worsened, she might end up needing a liver transplant, did Anja realize that a serious change was needed.
Photo Cred: Anja Ackerman

Within 5 months, Anja lost 38 kg and reached her goal weight of 71 kg, which she has now maintained for six months. She feels great, looks fantastic, sweats a lot less and can even touch her toes. Plus, her liver is back to its healthy self, and the prospect of a transplant is a thing of the past.

“I am back to my bubbly, positive personality, and my self-esteem registers on my radar again. I can only attribute this to my journey with Slender Wonder. I have gained so much more from this programme than just weight loss,” she added.

This is not a sponsored post or advertorial, and we are not endorsing the weight-loss company mentioned. This is, however, a good news story about how you can change your life for the better by making healthier choices. This is what helped Anja, but many programs and solutions out there can help you stay motivated, be fitter and healthier.

Sources: Anja Ackerman
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About the Author

Brent Lindeque is the founder and editor in charge at Good Things Guy.

Recognised as one of the Mail and Guardian’s Top 200 Young South African’s as well as a Primedia LeadSA Hero, Brent is a change maker, thought leader, radio host, foodie, vlogger, writer and all round good guy.

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