City Township Food For Mzansi Food Forward Provincial Award Easy Peasy
Photo Credit: On File

Hundreds of South Africans have been collecting food to feed the vulnerable and we can’t help but smile knowing there are so many good people out there.


South Africa (09 April 2020) – It is no secret that the lockdown has meant millions of people go hungry. It is a fact that has inspired hundreds of South Africans to take action. We have received more emails and messages than we can count from people making food parcels for the vulnerable.

To make sure each story is told, we have compiled all the food heroes in one place. These are the people and projects that are helping to feed the nation during the lockdown.

The Angel Network

Based in Johannesburg, the Angel Network collected funds to buy food for 43 child-headed households in Umlazi, Inanda and Kwa Mashu.

“All of the children got packs with staples like rice, maize meal, tins: beans and fish, potatoes, onions, tomatoes, oil, sugar, teabags, chicken meat, instant porridge, powder milk, powder soap, curry soups, bread, rama, peanut butter, sanitiser and Oros.

The food that was donated by different households was also separated and made into food packs to last 21 days.

All the children were incredibly grateful. I have taken down their names and as soon as the lockdown is over I will ensure with my colleagues in social development that we try to find more long term solutions to help the children.” – Mbali Ntuli

George Kypros in collaboration with Khayelitsha community leaders.

George Kypros and friends collected money to support 30 families in Khayelitsha. Working with community leaders, they were able to help the most vulnerable families. They even went as far as to disinfect every food item to prevent any chance of infection.

They were able to supply a week’s worth but hope to do more. You can reach out to George via Facebook should you want to join in the cause.

“If anyone would like to help contribute please get in touch, or you can also speak directly to the community leaders above to find out how you can help.

This isn’t a time to only think about your own welfare, but to think about community and what part we can all play to try look after each other” – George Kypros

The Rural Community Supplies Fundraiser

Kalvin Rodwell launched a fundraiser for his sister Kerryn Juliet Rodwell via Facebook and managed to raise a whopping R132,010.00 so far. The funds have been used to support rural families in KwaZulu-Natal.

Kerryn has been using the money to order bulk foods which are then distributed to different communities in need. There are so many communities, you can follow all Kerryn’s updates here. She is posting updates nearly every day now as they continue to reach more people. To date, they have reached 24 different communities!

Each person that collects a food parcel gets sanitised before receiving the food, this protects every person involved in the process.

Tim Abaa

The Tim Nectar Farms launched “The Ubuntu project” in Orange Farm and surrounding communities to supply wholesome food to 100 needy/poor homes/families. They are distributing a box of fresh produce with a bottle of honey, 2 packets of vegetable seeds, 50 vegetable seedlings, 20kg compost and a gardening magazine to each family.

The hope is for them to start their own food gardens and to become food secure. Being able to grow your own food changes everything! What Tim is doing could change lives! You can follow him via Facebook for updates on how many communities her reaches during this time.

Seeing so many people take part in these projects has left us in tears! There is nothing greater than Ubuntu and we are seeing it everywhere. These are just a few of the stories we see each day. Who do you know that is trying to feed the nation?

Sources: Various (Linked Above)
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About the Author

Tyler Leigh Vivier is a writer for Good Things Guy.

Her passion is to spread good news across South Africa with a big focus on environmental issues, animal welfare and social upliftment. Outside of Good Things Guy, she is an avid reader and lover of tea.

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