Cycling Hero Sarah
Photo Credit: Kloof and Highway SPCA

In April, Kloof and Highway SPCA Operations Manager Sarah Van Heerden signed up for a big cycle stretching 1600 km. Thanks to her valiant effort and her drive for animal welfare, she has fundraised over R120,000!


Kloof, South Africa (08 May 2024)— Cycling hero Sarah Van Heerden has successfully completed her 1600km bicycle mission in the Western Cape—an extraordinary effort fuelled by love, passion and hope for a better future for animals.

The Kloof and Highway SPCA Operations Manager signed up for her own lengthy cycle earlier this year with hopes that it would pave the way to brighter horizons for the future her SPCA works tirelessly to create through securing much-needed funds.

These funds have the potential to make a remarkable difference for SPCA services; like being able to afford their own Outreach Clinic or a much-needed vehicle necessary for their Inspectorate Department.

But first, cycling hero Sarah needed to get through the seven day commitment from Wellington over 53 passes and back again. And get through it she did, with flying colours!

“An event, ride, journey, adventure—7 days and 1600kms later—beyond grateful and leave the Cape with a full heart,” reflected Sarah. “The ride was grueling and relentless, and the 53 mountain passes were spectacular, night riding pitch black sometimes freezing and sometimes sublime, but it was so much more than that…

“Naturally animals were foremost on my mind—seeing so many dogs on chains with barely a kennel for shelter in smaller towns only motivated me more to keep our Kloof and Highway SPCA so active in fighting animal cruelty. Education and outreach are paramount, and your support has contributed to this. Then seeing the beauty of Greyton where we were greeted by 3 horses strolling through the town respected and loved.”

Thanks to Sarah the cycling hero, over R120,000 was raised for her valiant effort.

“We have one heck of a country—appreciate it, visit the far away places, and love your life because, my gosh, we are the fortunate ones. Love your life and make a difference.”—Sarah Van Heerden.

Sources: Kloof and Highway SPCA 
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About the Author

Ashleigh Nefdt is a writer for Good Things Guy.

Ashleigh's favourite stories have always seen the hidden hero (without the cape) come to the rescue. As a journalist, her labour of love is finding those everyday heroes and spotlighting their spark - especially those empowering women, social upliftment movers, sustainability shakers and creatives with hearts of gold. When she's not working on a story, she's dedicated to her canvas or appreciating Mother Nature.

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