Dakota found himself in a scary position on Pipe Track of the Table Mountain Hiking Route in Camps Bay; but he was rescued and returned to his owner!
Cape Town, South Africa (18 June 2020) – Dakota and his human Luke Dollimore decided to spend their sunny Youth Day, hiking on the Pipe Track of the Table Mountain Hiking Route in Camps Bay. It was a beautiful day and many Capetonians were out and about soaking up the sunshine after a miserable weekend of cold weather.
As Luke, Dakota and his other dog were walking, Dakota misstepped and slipped down the mountain onto a ledge. Luke was panicked as he couldn’t get to Dakota. Thankfully, while they waited for a rescue team, two men who regularly mountain climb, climbed down to get Dakota. He had slid about 50 meters down the cliff.
While the men were down securing Dakota, the SPCA arrived.
“CoGH SPCA Chief Inspector Jaco Pieterse arrived shortly after 15h45 and remained on the mountain for the duration of the 3-hour rescue only leaving once Dakota was back in his owner’s arms.
Mr Luke Dollimore went hiking with his two loyal companions, only to have his one dog, Dakota a German Pointer, accidentally slip almost 50 meters down a cliff. Luke was in an understandably distressed state and was only too happy to see the SPCA and WSAR – Wilderness Search & Rescue arrive to help save Dakota from this perilous situation.
Two civilians- Garth and MJ- had already very bravely ascended the cliff face to search for Dakota who they managed to locate before finding themselves too, trapped on the ledge. They were unable to get down again due to the rough terrain and the very steep drop below them.”
“WSAR expertly lowered ropes down to them which enabled Garth and MJ to abseil down from the ledge to safety. They placed Dakota in their backpack – not an easy feat but they did it! Hours passed during this tense rescue operation and after 19:00 Dakota was brought to safety. His owner, Luke, was overwhelmed and so happy that his much loved Dakota was miraculously uninjured and returned safely back to him.
We extend a huge thank you to WSAR – Wilderness Search & Rescue and a special shout out to the two civilian climbers who braved the climb to search for Dakota. We are encouraged that Dakota’s life meant so much to so many.”
Luke and Dakota embraced once reunited. Both left the mountain having learned just how powerful the natural world can be but how selfless, helpful and caring people are too!