Rescue SPCA Australia Karoo Rainfall Cape Town Durban Storm relief efforts
Photo Credit: On File

The Pietermaritzburg SPCA was hit by a massive storm and left to clean up the damage; they hope a few Christmas elves will join their efforts today.


Pietermaritzburg, South Africa (24 December 2021) – The Pietermaritzburg SPCA are hoping a few volunteers will pop in today to help them clean and clear the damage after a massive storm hit their premises. Volunteers helped yesterday, but they need a few more hands to set things right again.

The team are deeply thankful for everyone that has helped them so far and hope a few more good souls will join them today. If you can’t and still want to lend a helping hand, they have several repairs to do that will cost a pretty penny. They have provided banking details for those wishing to contribute.

They need volunteers to come through with rakes, brooms, spades, rubbish bin bags and leaf blowers to help clean the exercise runs, kennels, clear the drains and just offer assistance where needed.

“SPCA Pietermaritzburg would like to thank the few volunteers that came to help with the storm damage today. Despite all the effort, there is still so much to clean up! If you are able to assist tomorrow, pop down with a broom, rake or spade and some rubbish bin bags. Please! The staff and animals would appreciate the help!
If you would like to make a donation towards the repairs that are needed (broken windows, damaged vehicles and roofing) see bank details below:

Pietermaritzburg Spca
Standard Bank
Account Number: 250068052
Branch Code: 057525
Reference: Storm Damage”

If you have some spare time and are in the area, pop in to see what there is to be done.

Sources: SPCA Pietermaritzburg
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About the Author

Tyler Leigh Vivier is a writer for Good Things Guy.

Her passion is to spread good news across South Africa with a big focus on environmental issues, animal welfare and social upliftment. Outside of Good Things Guy, she is an avid reader and lover of tea.

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