The #ThankTheMedics campaign was designed to show our frontline heroes that we appreciate everything they have done for South Africa.
South Africa (15 September 2020) – With active COVID-19 cases on the decline, we can, at last, breathe a little easier. But while it’s too soon to banish our masks and bring out the bubbly, there is some cause for (socially distanced) celebration. Our recovery rate is just short of 90 percent, and while we all had a part to play in getting here, this is largely due to the incredible medics around South Africa.
Now it’s time for us to say Thank you Medics!
Having spent the past six months of her life on the frontline of this global pandemic, Doctor Yenzi Ngema (34) knows only too well just how much medics and healthcare workers have sacrificed.
Along with countless other incredible doctors and healthcare workers around the country, she went into daily battle against a deadly virus.
Yenzi, who’s currently specialising in orthopaedic surgery at Chris Hani Baragwanath Hospital in Soweto, says she’s known for her boundless energy and enthusiasm and seldom lets anything get to her.
But that was before she volunteered to work on the frontline at the peak of the pandemic.
“There’s no getting away from the impact Covid-19 has had on me and my fellow healthcare workers, all of whom knowingly put their own lives at risk to ensure the safety of others.
“We took a tremendous amount of strain, and with ever-increasing expectations being placed on the healthcare system, it’s understandable that many of us are now suffering from stress, low morale and depression”.
Yenzi says she and her colleagues became used to the daily chaos and disorganisation that went with being on the frontline and even got used to the emotional and physical toll of isolation.
“But we never had the chance to get used to hearing the words ‘thank you’. Those two words mean everything, they’re a balm for the human spirit.
“For that reason, I initiated Thank the Medics, to thank those who do thankless jobs – our wonderful medics across the country. I am asking every South African – individuals and corporations – to join me in saying ‘thank you medics’ for all the sacrifices you made.
“Please join me in spreading this message of gratitude and love.”
Funds raised by Yenzi’s crowdfunding campaign on BackaBuddy will go toward gifting vouchers to healthcare workers all around the country. Each person will receive two vouchers – one for themselves and one to ‘pay forward’ to another healthcare worker who bravely fought the COVID-19 virus alongside them, such as cleaners, porters or ambulance drivers, for example.
Beneficiaries will be selected randomly by BackaBuddy, using Vula Mobile’s database of doctors, nurses, ambulance workers and paramedics.
To be eligible for a voucher, healthcare professionals and workers need to be registered on Vula Mobile . If not already registered, click here.
How you can get involved
- Make a donation to the #ThankTheMedics crowdfunding campaign on BackaBuddy here: or donate via Snapscan.
- Set up your own crowdfunding campaign on BackaBuddy to #ThankTheMedics in your area. Proceeds will go directly to the hospital of your choice.
- If you prefer a more personal approach, #ThankTheMedics by dropping off a coffee, baking a cake, volunteering your time or offering a kind message of support! It’s really up to you!
- Lastly, help Share the #ThankTheMedics campaign on Social Media!
Sources: BackaBuddy
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