Malesela Mokonyama has embarked on the long walk to Mandela Day where he will tackle roughly 753 km to raise awareness for social issues, spread love and inspire communities.
Limpopo, South Africa (11 July, 2023) — Malesela ‘King’ Mokonyama has laced up his shoes for an epic journey in honour of Nelson Mandela Day yet again. His long walk to Mandela Day will tackle a whopping 753kms and is one of the more challenging and most inspiring physical feats Mokonyama has embarked on in his 62 years.
However, the cause is worth it for the strong-hearted Limpopo athlete who established the NPO, Centenary Walk for Tata. For Mokonyama, leading by example is an important mindset for all South Africans—his approach just happens to also lead by kilometres!
For him, placing the spotlight on social issues means going the extra mile no matter your age. Wanting to inspire young people, the long walker aims to rally young communities to get active through sport, love and staying healthy. As such, part of his Centenary Walk will see him deliver his words of wisdom to various people at taxi ranks and other public places.
Mokonyama began his journey last week in Polokwane and has already ventured through Mokopane, Moletji and Vivo. Ultimately, he will journey through two Limpopo districts, ending the trek back in Polokwane just in time for Mandela Day on 18 July.
King has completed numerous walks already for the same cause all across South Africa. He walks as part of the fight against Gender-Based Violence, substance abuse, xenophobia and teenage pregnancy and hopes that the long walk to Mandela Day will encourage others in their own active citizenship.
People have been delighted to spot King on his journey with many sharing photos with him as well as words of encouragement. You can keep up with his journey and lend a hand where you can here!
We think the initiative is something to root for and we love that King has consistently put his running shoes on to rally toward his dream of a better South Africa year after year.