'baby bags'
Photo Credit: The Robin Hood Foundation

‘Baby Bags’ filled with essential knitted treasures made their way to King Edward Hospital recently thanks to the Robin Hood Foundation; bettering many little lives as well as their mothers’!


KwaZulu-Natal South Africa (08 February 2024) — The Robin Hood Foundation has long been in the business of bettering lives, with recent efforts touching new mothers and their littlest ones at King Edward Hospital.

Motherhood is a test of strength in many ways, and the earliest days are no exception. So, to make this new exciting (and daunting chapter) a little softer, the Robin Hood Foundation made sure that they were right on time to deliver 80 ‘Baby Bags’.

The Baby Bags came cleverly wrapped and filled with hand-made treasures, including knitwear, a toy and a blanket. Even more heartwarmingly, these special gifts were all hand-made by the Robin Hood Foundation’s community stretching across the United Kingdom and Europe!

Just think about how awesome it will be for these little tots to grow up and one day know that some of the first items they ever loved in the world were made by strangers who didn’t need to meet them to love them.

Even more goods were gifted, like grows, rompers, special nappies and bath soap. Not only does this fill any new mother who might be worried about providing the essentials for her child with a wealth of relief, but it also makes the baby’s first chapters gentler.

If you haven’t met the Robin Hood Foundation before, this is the kind of good they get up to regularly. Started by Cindy Norcott in 2005, the NPO has helped better the lives of the young and old by mobilising communities and their resources to disperse to those who most need it (like the Robin Hood of old, but more wholesome!).

Sources: The Robin Hood Foundation 
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About the Author

Ashleigh Nefdt is a writer for Good Things Guy.

Ashleigh's favourite stories have always seen the hidden hero (without the cape) come to the rescue. As a journalist, her labour of love is finding those everyday heroes and spotlighting their spark - especially those empowering women, social upliftment movers, sustainability shakers and creatives with hearts of gold. When she's not working on a story, she's dedicated to her canvas or appreciating Mother Nature.

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