Vanessa Gartland
Photo Credit: Profmed

Vanessa Gartland shares her love of underwater hockey in a new Profmed Series celebrating South Africans called “We Are South African.”


Centurion, South Africa (12 August 2024) – Vanessa Gartland is taking her love of swimming to new depths with her passion for underwater hockey. This is a story of teamwork, paying close attention to what the people around you need, and overcoming incredible odds to heal from injury.

Profmed’s new ‘We Are South African’ series introduces us to some incredible South Africans. The second episode of 2024 has been released, and we get to hear Vanessa’s inspiring story.

Vanessa is a highly decorated swimmer, and her goal, when finding underwater hockey, was to be the best player she could be. She earned many of the national and provincial colours available to her and pushed herself towards representing South Africa. At the peak of her career, tragedy struck, and it changed everything!

After tearing her Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL), Vanessa was in for a long recovery. The injury meant she had to give up her time in the pool. Vanessa was on the cusp of preparing for her SA Trials when the injury happened, and all of a sudden, she was going through six months of rehabilitation; as she says, it was a lonely journey, one on which she cried many tears.

One of the highlights of her journey, however, was meeting Joost Van Der Westhuizen during a physio session. Vanessa shared that Joost was also working through a knee injury, and he said one of the most humbling things to his own physiotherapist that stuck in her mind. It is easy to see these athletes and think they are superheroes, but the reality is they are humans like you and I. Vanessa gushes about how Jooste asked to take a rest after a particularly gruelling session, something she was too scared to ask for herself, and the moment inspired her to push through her fears and to work when needed, and rest when she could. The moment gave her the push she needed to get through her recovery.

Despite the hard six months, Vanessa came out the other side with some great advice for others. She wasn’t quite back to where she started and she didn’t make the trials, but she went on to make them the next year and every season thereafter until she retired from the South African side in 2007.

Good Things Guy’s very own Brent Lindeque is the host of this incredible series, meeting these proudly South African heroes and listening to their stories. He asked Vanessa what advice she has for athletes who find themselves with an injury and in the space of recovery and healing.

“Don’t give up, it’s feels like the end of the world, it’s lonely, it’s hard but just don’t give up. And for the people around them, be aware that it’s lonely and hard, and just support them. It’s a dark space to be in but there is light at the end of the tunnel and when you come out there, you’re stronger. You’ve overcome something tough and it’s great!”

These stories show what is possible when we, South Africans, band together and refuse to be brought down by circumstances beyond our control. We all have a bit of superhero within us!

Take a look at episode 2 below. You can find the rest of the series here.

Sources: Profmed
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Or watch an episode of Good Things TV below, a show created to offer South Africans balance in a world with what feels like constant bad news. We’re here to remind you that there are still so many good things happening in South Africa & we’ll leave you feeling a little more proudly South African.


About the Author

Tyler Leigh Vivier is a writer for Good Things Guy.

Her passion is to spread good news across South Africa with a big focus on environmental issues, animal welfare and social upliftment. Outside of Good Things Guy, she is an avid reader and lover of tea.

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