Albert Munthali was tragically shot while on his way home, he was an inspiration to all those around him and veterinary doctor Melissa Charles wrote a stunning piece to honour him.


Losing a dear friend is incredibly tough, especially when they are taken from us suddenly. Dr Melissa Charles wrote about Albert to honour his memory after a tragic incident ended his full life. She described his drive to succeed and his love of cycling. He had worked as a veterinary assistant with Dr Melissa.

The letter was shared on Facebook. The Pedal Power Association has decided to start a fund to help Alberts wife and daughter through this tough time. Take a read below, Albert was honoured beautifully.

(26-01-1980 – 09-04-2018)
Albert Munthali was a very well liked young man who was fatally shot while being robbed of his bicycle last Monday in Du Noon. He was returning from work on Monday evening from Table View.

Albert was the kindest, gentlest person who had a genuine love for animals. He had worked in the veterinary industry as a clinic assistant for the past 13 years since arriving in South Africa from Malawi. Albert was due to return home for the first time next month.

Apart from his work, Albert’s passion was his cycling, he completed his first Argus Cycle Tour in 2013. The entries had already closed when he expressed his desire to race. The Pedal Power Association sponsored his late entry, friends and colleagues donated cycling kit and he finished the race in 5h 15min on a mountain bike wearing takkies! He told me it was the greatest achievement of his life. He never believed Cape Town to be so beautiful and the people lining the streets to be so encouraging shouting for him to keep going! He told me he was inspired to better his life because of this race.

Albert went onto to study at night school and completed a certificate in business management while working and training full time. He upgraded his bike and completed three more Argus Cycle Tours in 2014, 2015 and 2018, each year taking more time off his previous results. He was so proud of these achievements.

Albert will be sorely missed by his friends, clients and staff at Vetclin veterinary practice and the many cycling friends he would have made along the way. Albert is survived by his wife Eliness and his young daughter Melissa.

Pedal Power Association
A fund has been set up to help his family during this time, should you wish to donate please see the details below:
Vet Corp
Nedbank (Tableview)
Branch code: 108809
Account number: 1088006213 (REF: Albert)

Sources: Facebook
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About the Author

Tyler Leigh Vivier is a writer for Good Things Guy.

Her passion is to spread good news across South Africa with a big focus on environmental issues, animal welfare and social upliftment. Outside of Good Things Guy, she is an avid reader and lover of tea.

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