The Angel Network has started handing out the winter care packs to the homeless in Johannesburg so they can cope through the cold nights.
Johannesburg, South Africa (15 June 2022) – Winter is almost here, with the official winter solstice happening next week on the 21st of June, but the cold is already here, which means there are people who may be struggling to keep warm. The Angel Network started its winter comfort drive in April and was able to raise enough to make up 1000 care packs.
The Angel Network has launched its annual winter campaign to provide warm care packs to homeless people within their regions. The care pack is designed to be compact, while giving warmth to the person who needs it.
Each care pack contains a sleeping bag, pillow, blanket and warm meal (usually in the form of soup packets). Each pack needs costs R360.00 to fill, and it will last the recipient an entire winter season and beyond.
“It’s that time of year where many of us get cosy under our electric blankets or warm ourselves with hot water bottles and thermal underwear. Sadly, for hundreds of thousands of people, the approach of winter is terrifying when home is a park bench or a piece of cardboard on the pavement.”
The campaign has been a success, and now that the cold is here to stay, the packs are being handed out to people in need.
Jabulile Mazibuko ventured out to hand out some of the packs yesterday. Many got to have a little extra warmth and comfort last night and will be able to get through this first cold spell of winter 2022.