A father can come in all shapes and sizes; one woman used this Father’s Day to thank the man in her life that has been every bit a father that she could have hoped for!
South Africa (22 June 2020) – Andrew Phillips shared a beautiful, heartwarming story of love. Father’s Day is important to many people, but not everyone celebrates their birth father.
As Brent Lindeque, the Good Things Guy said, “Whether you’re a new Dad, or an old Dad, a StepDad, or a PetDad, a MomDad or you’re just giving a shout out to your Dad in heaven. What makes me beyond happy is to see all the love for the men who raised us right and showed us what it is to be a good Dad.”
Thabi Leriba found fatherly guidance and support in her sensei. She was moved by the effect he had on her life and decided to dedicate her Father’s Day to him.
Henri Eksteen has dedicated all of his adult life to Martial arts, and uplifting the community. According to Andrew, he has even gone so far as to “taxi” students to the Dojo and back home.
“Soke (Grandmaster) Henri Eksteen (10th Dan) receives a very special, and much-needed Fathers day message on Facebook from one of his previous students.” – Andrew Phillips
Thabi was a student of Henri’s, and he played a more significant role in her life than he could imagine. It was her kind words to him on Father’s Day that had him in tears.
“I’ve never had a Father Figure in my life but There’s 1 Man who played a role in my life which I’d never forget.
This man taught me respect, discipline and dignity. Even though life has parted us away from each other but I’m still grateful till this day for all the teachings you have given me.
Not only were you my karate instructor, you were a father which I never really had. Thank you for everything.🥋
Thabi’s message reminds us that there are many men (and women) in our lives that have helped us grow and feel safe. We should remember to thank them for what they have done.
Father’s Day may have passed, but the opportunity to spread a little love is there every day!