After spending three weeks feeling helpless and uncertain after her dog Ally disappeared, a Durban woman had an ecstatic reunion with the canine on Tuesday.
Kerri Dix-Peek told News agents that she was worried the 6-year-old German shepherd and timber wolf cross had been stolen.
“We had gone out with my kids and when we came back she was gone and we thought she may have gotten out. Our Great Dane was still at home, but Ally was gone,” she said.
Dix-Peek said her search for Ally was frantic.
“We drove around and visited all the vets and then the next day we phoned everyone, including all the vets in the area, Durban Solid Waste and the SPCA. We even went as far afield as calling the Kloof and Highway SPCA,” she said.
“We were very worried because there was nothing to indicate she had been run over and we actually thought she might have been stolen. It is absolutely horrifying because there is nothing you can do and feel so helpless.”
The elated pet owner said Ally was spotted on Tuesday and someone had posted her picture on Facebook.
“I got such a surprise when I saw her picture and I said to my husband that we had to go check. [Ally] was so excited that she whined all the way home in the car. Our other dog was so happy to have her home.
“She is still chubby, so she must have been with someone [who took care of her] and she has been brushed. How that happened, I have no idea.
“She is the preferred dog in our house because she is smaller than our Great Dane and doesn’t bowl people over. She is like an elegant old lady,” she said.