Seeds Organic Food Garden
Photo Credit: Pexels

Kelly-Ann Van Der Meer, is a strong, confident woman who believes in the power of doing good, paying-it-forward and looking after fellow South Africans.


South Africa (21 August 2015) – The mother of 2 foster children and 12 foster puppies is currently also the principal of a nursery school that she is working her way towards buying…

“My passion is seeing the kids faces light-up when they learn something new or find their own confidence.”

“Seeing my kids happy is one of the best feelings in the world.”

The past year has been quite tough for the Van Der Meer family.

Kelly has had to take-on working 6 jobs to keep up with bills, as her husband was recently retrenched and is currently looking for work, but that has not changed her outlook on life at all.

“We’re struggling but we are so incredibly blessed. There are people who have no work at all. Plus we’re able to give our kids at home and at the school a fresh start in life, teaching them family values & showing them nothing but love.”

On her way home from Rugby practice, last week Saturday, Kelly passed a man on the side of the road who she thought was begging, until she drove closer to him.

That man was Fani Ketso, an inspirational South African entrepreneur who had never been given the chance to truly excel, so he had taken what he had and had started a blooming business on the corner of William Nicol and Main Road.

Kelly stopped when she realised that Fani was actually selling something she needed and bought some of his seeds, with the thought in mind that she would love to start her own veggie garden.

“After driving away, I opened the packet and saw his business card… this amazing man was using the side of the road to create a space where he could market all of his skills. I called him immediately, his professionalism had inspired me to share his story in the hope that he would get more business.”

Kelly saw something in Fani… a bright light of hope for South Africa. She believes that we would live in a very different world, if everyone could find the same passion and determination to create opportunities for themselves.

“We are so blessed to know that I have a set income, Fani doesn’t know what he’s making daily or even weekly but he is passionate & clearly a great business man! He is using what he has, his skills & passion to make a business for himself. I wish there were more people that looked at life that way…”

To get hold of Kelly, visit her Facebook, or to get in touch with Fani, call 078 079 5614

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Sources: Linked Above
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About the Author

Brent Lindeque is the founder and editor in charge at Good Things Guy.

Recognised as one of the Mail and Guardian’s Top 200 Young South African’s as well as a Primedia LeadSA Hero, Brent is a change maker, thought leader, radio host, foodie, vlogger, writer and all round good guy.

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