Lerato Educational Centre feed, clothe & educate over 470 disadvantaged children everyday!
They focus mainly on the children from the Jacksons Drift squatter camp in Eikenhof but are planning on growing their efforts to ever more children.
For Spring day, two Gogo’s that live near Rene Parker, a volunteer at Lerato Educational Centre, really did an amazing #RAK15.
Aileen Johnston made 250 beautiful little Sun Dresses for all the little girls and Pikkie Van der Westhuisen bought each little boy a t-shirt.
“Our little girls felt like princesses, the smiles on their faces just brought tears to my eyes. The little boys were overwhelmed and looked just to cute.”
“These Gogo’s just lit up the camp when the bell went for them to go home. The residents were all smiling from ear to ear. God Bless all who go the extra mile in making a difference in those less fortunate than ourselves.”
Thank you to both Gogos for taking the time & effort to make a difference in a few kids lives.
“‘Never worry about numbers. Help one person at a time and always start with the person nearest you.” – Mother Teresa