Blackball South Africa is bringing home 32 medals after an outstanding performance at the Blackball World Championships in Morocco.
Morocco (18 October 2022) – The South African Blackball squad has flown the flag high in Morocco and brought home 32 medals and several world champions to boot! The team did incredibly well and deserves high praise from us all.
Blackball is a sport similar to Billards however, played on a smaller table and is also referred to as English Pool. It was created in the 1980s and has grown in global popularity since then. It is played by two players with 16 balls (one white cue ball, one black, seven red and seven yellow).
It is an incredibly easy game to follow as a spectator which is what makes it so popular in pool halls and pubs as well.
Blackball South Africa put together a team of players pooled from leagues throughout South Africa. The team was hopeful and worked hard to earn their titles and medals.
The team brought home a total of 32 medals, which were made up of eleven gold, thirteen silver and eight bronze. They shared their excitement and pride via Facebook, calling the squad champions for their efforts.
“South Africa leads the pack on the medals table!
What an achievement, what a squad…what CHAMPIONS they are!
Congratulations to our entire squad. Y’all played your hearts out in Morocco and just look what you’ve done!Salut SA!
Now travel home safely and enjoy these glorious moments”