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South Africa has finished third overall at the IAAF World Championship with a total of six medals. Our athletes faced some criticism but prevailed.


South Africa has left the IAAF World Championship with six medals in hand. Our amazing athletes faced some serious criticism and down right bullying but prevailed above the haters.

Wayde van Niekerk was affected emotionally when he finished the 200m. He started to cry and turned away from the interviewer, who sweetly went over to comfort him. The reason for the breakdown was that Wayde felt hurt by people’s comments on his 400m win, saying he didn’t deserve the win.

Another South African athlete that faced unfair treatment was Caster Semenya. A horrific tweet was sent out by a UK columnist criticising Casters wedding and questioning why she was allowed to participate in the IAAF. South African’s quickly came to her defense and put Katie Hopkins in her place.

These moments aside, both Wayde and Caster each brought home a gold medal, just proving their worth and greatness.

Wayde van Niekerk won a Gold for the Men’s 400 Metres
Luvo Manyonga won a Gold for the Men’s Long Jump
Caster Semenya won a Gold for the Women’s 800 Metres, a personal best for the athlete.
Wayde van Niekerk won a Silver for the Men’s 200 Metres
Ruswahl Samaai won a Bronze for the Men’s Long Jump
Caster Semenya won a Bronze for the Women’s 1500 Metres

Our champions (win or lose) make South Africa proud time and time again! Our athletes have true sportsmanship and set a standard that others should follow.

IAAF Country stats

Sources: IAAF 
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About the Author

Tyler Leigh Vivier is a writer for Good Things Guy.

Her passion is to spread good news across South Africa with a big focus on environmental issues, animal welfare and social upliftment. Outside of Good Things Guy, she is an avid reader and lover of tea.

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