An amputee Comrades runner on crutches is inspiring South Africans with his strength and determination again… even though he was denied a race entry!
KwaZulu Natal, South Africa – Amputee runner, Xolani Luvuno is inspiring millions today as he pursues his dream of completing the 2019 Comrades Marathon on crutches, even though marathon organisers denied him entry.
The determined athlete completed the 2018 Comrades on crutches with 5 hours of extra time (and even took on the Ironman earlier this year) however was denied entry for the 2019 marathon!
But that is not stopping this incredibly talented South African!
Xolani has been running next to the route, without any support vehicles, refusing to give up on his dream!
“Xolani’s vest today, honouring the children of Ethembeni school and others who have made him count his own blessings…. What an amazing young man!
And yes, he is running in a 2018 number. Xolani was granted permission to run in 2018 but denied permission in 2019. They tried to stop him from starting last night. After about 35 km while it was still pitch dark, he was forced by the traffic police to run on the pavement and without his support vehicles.
Show them Xolani, our battle to run was worth it…”
Other runners who have been passing Xolani have all been offering him support and recognising him for his strength of character, will power and courage!
South Africans first got to know Xolani in May 2017 after renowned South African advocate for change, Yusuf Abramjee, spotted the runner and stopped to speak to him to find out why he was running with crutches.
But what seems like a massive achievement is not the biggest mountain that Xolani has climbed in his life.
The incredible South African survived bone marrow cancer and a little over 2 years ago, was a drug addict who by then had been homeless, living under a bridge in Pretoria for 7 years.
Running has indeed enabled him to turn his life around!
Good Things Guy caught up with Xolani to talk about his inspiring run; his strength and determination and his next epic challenge.
He’s described running as his “new addiction” and says he was given the break that led to him turning his life around by Hein Venter, who helped him get off the streets and into running. He even opens up about the medal debacle and chats about his triumph over adversity.
Listen to the full interview here…
Follow his Facebook Page to keep up to date with this incredible athlete (and to watch as he completes the race).