Take charge of your life and go after your goals. Reinvent yourself. What are you going to do today to take the first step forward to achieve your goals? Reinvent…
According to Google, there’ll be half a billion internet users in Africa by 2020. It sees this as a great opportunity for African businesses and digital entrepreneurs, but they’ve identified…
Scientists at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology have developed a material that can serve as a “second skin.” Unless you possess the magical healing powers of a Hollywood celebrity, your…
Things may be looking better for South Africa’s economy as Cabinet Minister says we are in for a turnaround after years of slow growth. However, new data showing an increasing…
Author Isabel Allende is 71. Yes, she has a few wrinkles—but she has incredible perspective too. In this candid talk, meant for viewers of all ages, she talks about her…
BMW Group South Africa has partnered with Uber to bring UberGREEN, a 100% electric commuting experience with the aim of reducing CO ₂ emissions in Johannesburg. UberGREEN is a pilot…
Johannesburg’s R5bn Mall of Africa, which has over 300 shops, opened its doors yesterday to streams of visitors amid traffic congestion. Long queues already formed in the early hours of…
Knorr has turned matchmaker for its new global campaign, Love at First Taste, which explores the idea of bringing people together based on their flavour preferences. The campaign, which launches…
Zoona is an African fintech company founded in 2009 with the vision of helping communities thrive. Since launching, it has created over 2,500 jobs in Zambia and Malawi, empowered over…
Hundreds of coffee lovers queued early Thursday in an upmarket Johannesburg shopping centre as international chain Starbucks opened its first cafe in South Africa. The US-based global brand plans to…
Where mind meets heart
“Attitude is a choice. Happiness is a choice. Optimism is a choice. Kindness is a choice. Giving is a choice. Respect is a choice. Whatever choice you make makes you. Choose wisely.” ― Roy T. Bennett