When she turns 90, she will probably take things more slowly.But for now, Anthea Petzer (72) just wants to learn how to stand on her yellow Australian surfboard and carve…
A photo of a 93-year-old woman and her lawnmowers is going viral for all the right reasons. Rodney Smith Jr., who’s from Bermuda but currently attends college in Huntsville, Alabama,…
Over R100,000 has been raised in online campaigns for a waitress that was allegedly reduced to tears by a #RhodesMustFall activist Ntokozo Qwabe this week. Hundreds of well-wishers have donated…
Kenya’s president set fire Saturday to 105 tons of elephant ivory and more than 1 ton of rhino horn, believed to be the largest stockpile ever destroyed, in a dramatic…
Charging well-off patrons more allows St. Louis’ MetroMarket Bus to sell groceries to the most food insecure at cost. When a kid visits Cardinal Glennon Children’s Hospital in St. Louis…
A student who helped lead the campaign to tear down a ‘racist’ statue of Cecil Rhodes at Oxford has boasted about refusing to tip a waitress because she was white….
An Australian woman is attempting to use the power of Facebook to locate her daughter’s father. The woman, who is using the name Kerryn Leigh, posted on Facebook on April…
A Cape Town comedian will be putting his jokes aside as he lives rough for three days in a bid to collect warm clothes for the homeless ahead of winter….
Brent Lindeque, the good news guy, has been spreading positivity and embraced the platform offered to him since his South African Random Act of Kindness #neknomination went viral. He has…
We are not disabled but “differently abled” and want to be part of society. This is the message a team of nine able-bodied runners, two hand cyclists and an amputee…
Where mind meets heart
“The greatest thing about dreams is they don’t expire. They can lay dormant for years and when you pull them out and dust them off, they shine like new.” ― Casi McLean