It’s almost time for the 3rd THE Homeless Run, a way to support the homeless simply by hitting the pavement with your running shoes and chasing a finish line of…
The site for a 60-bed “Safe Space” is still being finalised. Muizenberg is to get a 60-bed “Safe Space” shelter for homeless people. The shelter will be co-funded and…
After a police officer encountered homeless Siyabonga, he knew the ambitious young man had a future far brighter than the streetlights and became determined to help him get back on…
In Krugersdorp, challenges in society are being met with a can-do attitude as The Toolbox Community Empowerment Hub gives the destitute hope with job opportunities, up-skilling help and a dose…
A hearty meal for lunch will be served every day to the hungry and homeless during the merry month in Cape Town thanks to the Feed5000 initiative! Cape Town,…
South Africa’s barefooted brother Graham Wells won’t lace up any sneakers for this year’s Comrades Marathon. Shoeless and ever-spirited, Wells will run barefoot again to raise funds for homeless communities….
Where mind meets heart
“So many of our dreams at first seem impossible, then they seem improbable, and then, when we summon the will, they soon become inevitable.” ― Christopher Reeve