32-year-old biker and sheet metal worker Pat Doody recently rescued a kitten while riding cross country from Nevada to New Jersey. He found the kitten at a gas station and gave it the best name he could think of at the time: “Party Cat.”
“I was at this truck stop getting gas, and this little guy just needed help,” he told Revzilla. “He was pretty badly burned, so I picked him up and tucked him inside my vest. We’re feeding him regularly now, so he’s doing better, even though he’s sort of living on the road until we get home.”
Doody documented their road trip adventure together on Instagram.
“He’s so chill. I’ve never met a cat so calm.”
Party Cat eventually made it home safe, where Doddy says he’s doing great.
“His burns are pretty much all healed up except for the little spot on his lip… We’ve been keeping it clean and using Neosporin. It looks a lot better and doesn’t seem to be bothering him.”
Doody and Party Cat’s story is a reminder to take an interest in your surroundings. You never know who you might be able to help on the road.