Bottle Tops Trash to Treasure

The Sweetheart Foundation takes “one man’s trash” and makes it “another man’s treasure” only they help children in need and give them wheelchairs by recycling


The Sweetheart Foundation is a non-profit that raises funds for wheelchairs by recycling bottle tops and bread tags. The Tops&Tags project has benefitted the lives of many children in need.

The Foundation was established in 2013 and is 100% volunteer based and community driven. The foundation has a Tops&Tags drive that recycles bottle tops and bread tags to raise funds to buy wheelchairs.

To get an 18″ wheelchair a person needs to collect 450kgs of bottle tops or 50kgs of bread tags. The amounts then differ if a child needs a specialised wheelchair or an electric one. Sweethearts believe that wheelchairs should be a basic human right and any person that needs one should have it.

They have donation points in Gauteng, the Eastern Cape and the Western Cape. Should a person start collecting Tops&Tags, they can find a point closest to them and drop off their collected tops and tags.

People are also able to make financial donations or donate wheelchairs that are not being used. You can even donate your skills to help take care of the admin. To do so you can contact the foundation here.

A group of children in Johannesburg raised enough for a wheelchair, we shared their story earlier in the year, you can read it here.

This year the foundation is featuring 12 beneficiaries for 12 days of Christmas. Stay tuned for that post.

“Last year we ran the initiative with only 3 beneficiaries and we managed to raise over R40 000.00 thus funding all the wheelchairs needed. One of these wheelchairs was an electronic wheelchair and these are very expensive, but through the hard work and generous donations of our donors, we reached our target. We are hoping to do the same this year!”

Sources: Supplied
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About the Author

Tyler Leigh Vivier is a writer for Good Things Guy.

Her passion is to spread good news across South Africa with a big focus on environmental issues, animal welfare and social upliftment. Outside of Good Things Guy, she is an avid reader and lover of tea.

1 comment

  1. GOOD DAY,



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