The lives of countless disadvantaged Cape Town families are being transformed thanks to the Goodwood Station social housing project. Cape Town, South Africa (05 August 2024) – Finally escaping…
Hope for South Africa’s Housing Crisis looks a lot like this ‘Empower Homes’ initiative! Khayelitsha, South Africa (19 September 2023) — Earlier this year, Mmamoloko Kubayi, Minister for Human…
Residents of Cissie Gool House have co-designed an exhibit at the Cape Institute for Architecture. Cape Town, South Africa (08 June, 2023) — On Wednesday about 50 people braved…
Brand new house keys have been handed over to families in need as part of the R101 million affordable housing project! Cape Town, South Africa (20 April, 2023) —…
Where mind meets heart
“Do your little bit of good where you are; it's those little bits of good put together that overwhelm the world.” ― Desmond Tutu