This little Cape Town restaurant is making a massive stand for the homeless!

A little Cape Town restaurant is taking a massive stand against discrimination of homeless people and inspiring thousands in the process.


Ragamuffin Curry call themselves a take away and little sit down in Kenilworth but their recent actions on social media show that they are so much more!

The Cape Town restaurant recently posted a statement concerning the homeless people around their shop.

“It has come to our attention that some people are uncomfortable with the homeless people around our shop. This is an extremely complex issue, and has taken me two weeks to formulate a response. I don’t think there is right solution, but we hope to take steps in the right direction.

I believe kindness and love is always the right response. This aims to be our response for people of the neighbourhood, our guests, and especially homeless people – the most vulnerable in our society.

We have built a relationship with some of the homeless people and we do not feel threatened by them in any way, despite some of their… eccentricities. In fact, while I don’t encourage people to sleep in front of the shop, I feel my shop is safer at night because of these people sleeping there… They watch out for us.

It is of course understandable if some people don’t feel comfortable with their presence – they do not know them, and they can be intimidating. If you feel uncomfortable, you are welcome to phone the shop and one of us will come to your car to accompany you to the shop (and of course back to your car).

This does not mean that anything and everything these people do is okay. We have already established strict boundaries with them, which they now adhere to. If there is a problem we address it with the individuals. If they leave a mess, we address it. We will also talk to them about etiquette. But we will not chase anyone away for simply sleeping there, albeit ourselves or by phoning the police.

If you allow me to be personal, I see my business as more than just a business, but as a ministry. Caring and loving people with food and hospitality. If I were to treat some with kindness and some without, the “kindness” you experience in the shop would be a hollow shell of a business strategy.

How we do anything is how we do everything.”

And social media users cannot agree more! The restaurant’s post has been seen by many who not only agree with the sentiment but have vowed to support it… it has even made some new clients in the process.

Karen Langeveld posted: “Well done, great attitude. I live around the corner and feel the same way about our homeless neighbours. They are people and they are vulnerable. They deserve our kindness and the best of our humanity.”

Nicky Kenny commented: “Beautiful! Well done! Love what you guys do and keeping doing this. Homeless people are still people and we all need to respect that. Look forward to my next curry!”

Lenore Edwards added: “I seriously salute your approach. This attitude is what will make make real change in our beautiful country. I hope that I have the privilege (as a Durbanite) to enjoy one of your curries in the future.”

Stella Fraser said: “Kindness in action. Homeless people are part of the social fabric, however much they appear to be on the edges of it.”

Corina Anne Ash posted: “Love this! So grateful for business gems like this in the Kenilworth area.”

Ragamuffin Curry are located at 3 Mains Avenue, Kenilworth, Cape Town (Next to Noyes Pharmacy).

Sources: Facebook
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About the Author

Brent Lindeque is the founder and editor in charge at Good Things Guy.

Recognised as one of the Mail and Guardian’s Top 200 Young South African’s as well as a Primedia LeadSA Hero, Brent is a change maker, thought leader, radio host, foodie, vlogger, writer and all round good guy.

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