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Feenix is a crowdfunding platform catering to students, helping them raise funds to pay for their studies. They’ve already raised R2 million since October.


The free-to-use Feenix platform allows students in need of funding to create a profile on which they can tell their story and appeal to investors to contribute to their outstanding university fees. Donations from investors can either pay for a specific student or contribute to a pool fund that is disbursed to students according to a set of qualification criteria. To donate, users simply need to visit the Feenix website, decide on the recipient of their donation and then follow the payment prompts.

As of the first disbursement period, commenced in October, Feenix has raised over R2 million and distributed R1.6 million to date. This figure has partially funded 52 students’ studies, fully funded 64, and paved the way for many more.

The campaign’s main goal is to reframe the way in which South Africans approach the subject of donating toward student fees. As it stands, one of the main fears investors have, is over what their money will be used for, and whether it will be effective in creating change. Naturally, each student’s needs are different, but the one commonality they all share is their need for more time. Each student is simply looking for the means to make it one day closer to graduating. This is where the idea of buying time was born.

The campaign focuses on how South Africans’ donations never go wasted because they buy students the resource they need most – time. Donations offer students time to study, time to complete their degrees, and time to build a life.

With just R300 buying a student one more day to reach their goal, South Africans have already bought roughly 27 years of education for the country’s students using the Feenix platform.

One student who has already been the beneficiary of more time is third-year BCom student from the University of Pretoria, Nicholaas. In response to the recent full funding of his fees he commented,

“To my funder, I would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart.” He continued, “your donation changed my life and you are part of my success story.”

With the Feenix brand on the rise, South Africans can be part of the success story of both this innovative organisation and the students it services. Donations big and small will allow Feenix to continue the work of securing the future for the next generation of educated South Africans.

The platform allows funders to search a name, degree type or university as a way of selecting a deserving student.

Sources: Press Release
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About the Author

Tyler Leigh Vivier is a writer for Good Things Guy.

Her passion is to spread good news across South Africa with a big focus on environmental issues, animal welfare and social upliftment. Outside of Good Things Guy, she is an avid reader and lover of tea.

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