Diepsloot City Guests
Photo Credit: Vlad Chețan from Pexels

Western Cape’s dams are more than 70 per cent full after heavy rain. The South African Weather Service also issued a warning for snow as South Africans braces for a predicted Big Freeze.


Western Cape, South Africa (13 July 2021) – Dams in the Western Cape has reached 71.5% capacity after days of consistent rain in the province. More rain is forecast for the rest of the week. In the corresponding time in 2020, the average dam levels for the province stood at 53%. The latest average level for dams providing water to the City of Cape Town is 93%.

The Clanwilliam dam has increased from 23.6% to 94.2% in the past ten days. The Theewaterskloof dam is currently at 99.5%. It is the biggest dam in the province.

“We are seeing an above average rainfall season and we are grateful. Some regions, the Gouritz River Catchment area in particular, remain in need of rain. We hope to see some relief there,” Anton Bredell, MEC for Local Government, Environmental Affairs and Development Planning, said.

“Elsewhere in the province, especially the City of Cape Town area and the Cape Winelands and Overberg regions, the ground is saturated and the further rainfall will lead to more localised flooding this week.”

Major Dam Statistics

  • Voëlvlei dam – 76.1% full this week (2020: 64%. Last week: 71.7%)
  • Bergriver Dam 100% full this week (2020: 93.6%. Last week: 101%).
  • Theewaterskloof dam – 99.5% full this week (2020: 68.5%. Last week: 95.7%)
  • Clanwilliam Dam 94.2%. (2020: 51.7%. Last week: 74.3%)

A cold front came crashing down in the Western Cape yesterday morning and caused gale-force winds between Cape Columbine and Cape Agulhas and significant wave heights, from a south-westerly direction, picking up to between 4.5 and 6.5 m between Hondeklip Bay and Cape Agulhas.

The South African Weather Service also issued a yellow level 4 warning for snow in the southern Namakwa in the Northern Cape. The snow is also expected to make landfall between today and tomorrow in the Cederberg, Witzenberg and Breede Valley municipalities situated in the Western Cape.

Sources: Supplied
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