Photo Credit: Two Oceans Aquarium Foundation

Meet the Two Oceans Aquarium’s Keeper of the Penguins, Amy Stumbles – She has been honoured as an ocean guardian.


Cape Town, South Africa (17 March 2024) – The Two Oceans Aquarium Foundation has been highlighting the ocean guardians who work tirelessly to protect marine life and the environment in which they live. This week they have highlighted Amy Stumbles, the penguin keeper.

“A typical day for Amy involves preparing food for the African and rockhopper penguins, feeding them daily, helping out with vet checks (as you can see here with Ayoba the African penguin), and spending time getting the penguins comfortable with her presence!”

The Two Oceans Aquarium Education Foundation works to protect our oceans by raising awareness and ensuring the safety of ocean animals.

While Amy spends most of her time working directly with the penguins, she also gives public talks to the aquarium visitors, educating them on penguin care and the importance of protecting the species.

As for how Amy feels about her role, she says it’s her passion!

“I love that I get to be a part of something bigger in terms of trying to educate people and help save their species – I really am following my passion by working with the penguins,” says Amy.

The foundation is highlighting all the ocean guardians who work with marine animals. You can follow along and meet them via Facebook or Instagram.

Sources: TOA Foundation
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About the Author

Tyler Leigh Vivier is a writer for Good Things Guy.

Her passion is to spread good news across South Africa with a big focus on environmental issues, animal welfare and social upliftment. Outside of Good Things Guy, she is an avid reader and lover of tea.

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