One lion tried his luck and snuck up on another lion sleeping peacefully in a bush; the lion was not impressed and gave him a big smack.
Gauteng, South Africa (26 April 2022) – In 2019, we learned how not to wake a sleeping lioness; now, in 2022, we get to learn how not to wake a sleeping lion.
20-year-old apprentice field guide Aiden Blake filmed the exciting moment. He captured two male lions in the Dinokeng Game Reserve, one sleeping peacefully and another sneaking along to make trouble. Aiden tells the story:
“I had heard about the sighting and made my way there. On route, I had a flat tire and of course, had to change it first.” Upon arrival at the sighting, this male lion was busy stalking the other lion, who was taking a leisurely nap.
As the male lion got closer and closer, the other one had realized what had been happening – but only a second too late and got the fright of his life. The two lions got into a minor brawl, only to go straight back to sleeping again soon after.
“This truly was a once-in-lifetime sighting for me and just really goes to show everything happens for a reason. Had it not been for the flat tire, we would probably not have experienced this.”
We have all been rudely woken up in our lives and been thoroughly annoyed with the person or thing (we hear you, Hadedas!) who was responsible.
Latest Sighting shared the video with us showing a lion creeping up on a sleeping lion. It didn’t end well for the lion; he earned himself a big smack! Take a look below.