Beyond the River is a South African movie inspired by the true story and friendship of Siseko Ntondini and Piers Cruickshanks. It’s pure movie gold!
Johannesburg, South Africa – The movie follows the life and struggles of two men from opposite sides of the track, one who is escaping a life of crime and the other escaping heartache.
It follows Duma, played by Lemogang Tsipa, a young man from Soweto that falls into the wrong crowd and escapes by following a forgotten passion for canoeing and Steve, played by Grant Swanby, a 9-time gold medal winner of the 3-day endurance canoe race ‘The Dusi’. The pair team up to compete in the race and overcome various obstacles together.
The movie is profoundly beautiful and moving, it taps into real emotional struggles and weaves the story in such a way that both characters are able to unpack and face their personal struggles without either being overshadowed. The movie has depth and covers complex social issues in an accurate way, especially the presence of ‘casual’ racism in sport.
Beyond the River is a breathtaking piece of cinematography! It is shot beautifully and highlights some of South Africa’s most gorgeous views. The casting was a stroke of genius; every cast member from leading to supporting roles had me on the edge of my seat with their performance.
This movie will have you laughing, crying and sitting on the edge of your seat, rooting for the underdogs! It’s a movie that every South African should watch. This is definitely a feel-good and heartwarming film! Watch the trailer below.