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The 28th annual Casual Day will be taking place on the 2nd of September 2022 this year; the theme helps us celebrate all the good things about South Africa.


South Africa (05 August 2022) – There is a lot to celebrate in South Africa, and that is the theme for the upcoming Casual Day 2022, taking place on the 2nd of September 2022.

“We want to start a conversation about everything going right for you and our country! So make your voice heard and join a chorus of South Africans highlighting the good and great in their lives.

We ask our supporters to raise our flag and look around to find something to celebrate about our nation and ourselves, no matter how seemingly small or grandiose!” – Casual Day

Casual Day is an awareness and fundraising campaign to benefit people with disabilities. It was started in 1994 by the National Council of and for Persons with Disabilities (NCPD).

The NCPD did this to bridge the divide in South Africa between persons with and without disabilities. Since the founding of the organisation, the fund has helped 500 non-profit organisations and schools.

Casual Day falls on the first Friday of September. The public is encouraged to go to work or school dressed differently and wearing the official R20 Casual Day sticker to show their support for persons with disabilities.

Over the years, the event has raised more than R411 million for Persons with Disabilities.

“A special Thank You to supporters big and small who participated in last year’s Casual Day and helped us make a difference in the lives of Persons with Disabilities during some of our country’s hardest times. And now… slowly but surely, the green shoots of positivity are making their way back to the light!”

The team have come up with a few things you can celebrate on the big day.

  • Fellow South Africans who work hard to build our nation
  • The resilient spirit of friends, family and communities
  • Your rich cultural heritage expressed through costume, dance & music
  • Your grandmother’s Malva pudding recipe
  • The indescribable natural beauty of our environment
  • The freedoms enshrined by our constitution
  • The courage of vulnerable people who face daily challenges
  • The genuine, world-renowned friendliness of South Africans, to name a few…

What is something you could celebrate this year? Let us know in the comment section. To find out more about Casual Day and where to get your stickers, check out the website here.

Sources: Casual Day 2022
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About the Author

Tyler Leigh Vivier is a writer for Good Things Guy.

Her passion is to spread good news across South Africa with a big focus on environmental issues, animal welfare and social upliftment. Outside of Good Things Guy, she is an avid reader and lover of tea.

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