The University of the Western Cape dental experts are adding 100 extra sets of dentures to their waiting list so the elderly can smile again
Every year, UWC fits 5000 dentures to those in need. To celebrate the 100 centenary and honour the late Nelson Mandela, they will be adding 100 extra sets which will go to the elderly on the waiting list.
University experts say the Western Cape has the highest rate of people who have lost all their teeth.
“We are focusing on the elderly, so those who are pensioners and those who have absolutely no teeth. What we would term as dentures, which means they have no teeth in their mouth. We are rolling out 100 full dentures for patients that come off our waiting list.” – Dr Emile Prince, Deputy Dean of Dentistry
This is the second medical initiative to come from the Western Cape in honour of Mandela Day. Last month we shared the news that the Western Cape Health Department will be doing 100 operations to celebrate the 100th birthday of Madiba on the 18th of July. They plan to do the operations free of charge for the patients.
The surgeries being offered are also catered to the elderly, with hip and knee replacements being the top ones and hopefully adding ear and nose surgeries as well.
This is fantastic news for the Western Cape elderly and just another reason for them to smile!