Motivation Monday Blues

Every once in a while, we notice people having harder than normal Monday Blues. It can be any number of things that affect the general public as a whole which is why things like ‘Motivational Mondays’ exist. We have some helpful tips to help motivate you today.


Many people live for their weekends, the moment they can let loose, kick off their shoes and just relax. For some reason, this Monday has been incredibly blue for many people.

“Strive not to be a success, but rather to be of value” – Albert Einstein

We can assume that it’s either because it was the first payday weekend after the Janu-Worry blues and already everything has had to be paid so money is tight once again or it could be that people went a little overboard in the indulgence of the weekend and are really feeling it today. Whatever it may be, these tips are perfect for every scenario and can be used for every Monday to come.

5 Ways to beat the Monday Blues and get motivated.

  1. Prepare for your Monday workday on Friday.
    Get all the nitty-gritty tasks completed on the Friday before knocking off for the weekend. If you can’t manage to get it done in time, spend a few extra minutes just getting some notes down about what you will need to do so it feels less overwhelming seeing the workload on Monday. Make sure your calendar is up-to-date so you are ready for any tasks and meetings before the work week starts. Preparation is key.
  2. Be inspired by those around you.
    Finding motivation in others is another great way to keep those blues at bay. On Twitter, people share their motivational messages using the hashtag #MondayMotivation. It is a popular thing and trends every single Monday.You can also surround yourself with positive news and stories, which you will find right here on the Good Things Guy website. Feeling uplifted and in good spirits is a great way to start the day.

  3. List all the things you are excited about for the upcoming week.
    Monday may be a downer sometimes, but if you have exciting plans later in the week, write them down. Like a date night with a loved one, drinks with your friends or even that you have a night to yourself to do whatever you want. If you don’t have plans, why not make some? Set that dinner date you have been meaning to or call a friend and meet up for a catch-up.
  4. Make Someone else smile, it’s super contagious.
    Brightening someone else’s Monday with a cup of coffee or by asking how their weekend was is a really simple and easy way to boost your own feel-good vibes. Another great way to perk someone else up is to pay them a compliment, whether it be their appearance or character trait. Let them know you see them.
  5. Turn the music up!
    Whether it be in your car or through your earphones, play some upbeat and energy enriching music to perk up the mood instantly. Dance along and sing if you can. Even better, see if you can get the person in the car next to you to do the same. Might seem weird at first but the fun you can have will outweigh all the funny looks you might get.

Just like that, your next Monday will be off to a good start. Stay motivated out there and keep up with all the feel-good stories we have for you.

“Believe you can and you’re halfway there.” – Theodore Roosevelt

Sources: GTG
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About the Author

Tyler Leigh Vivier is a writer for Good Things Guy.

Her passion is to spread good news across South Africa with a big focus on environmental issues, animal welfare and social upliftment. Outside of Good Things Guy, she is an avid reader and lover of tea.

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