Born Free, a global wildlife charity, created an animation video highlighting the problem with lion cub petting, the video will leave you shocked!
Global – An animation named “Bitter Bond” has people feeling very uncomfortable; the reason is that it addresses a very real issue head-on and shows the beginning an end of it.
For most people, it is common knowledge that petting animals is a bad thing and that it always ends in the animal being mistreated. However, many fail to connect the idea that petting a cub leads to its death because you never see the two scenarios.
It will never happen that a person will see a lion cub raised until the point where it is then put into the canned hunting industry unless that person is the person running the business. This video allows people to see the full story start to end. And what a sad end it is!
Born Free is working to change the industry of lion petting in South Africa. They have launched a petition to end the betrayal.
‘Born Free believes that if South Africa is to be regarded as a responsible and ethical custodian of its wildlife, and a country that cares about wildlife elsewhere in Africa and across the globe, urgent action needs to be taken to bring an end, in an intelligent and humane way, to the captive breeding and canned hunting of lions, and the sale of their bones and skeletons into international markets.’
You can sign the petition here.
There are many myths surrounding lion cub petting, Dr Louise De Waal breaks them down and explains the real situation. You can read the myths and truths here.
Take a look at the heartbreaking, but important animation below.
Think of this video the next time you see that friend on Facebook proudly sharing photos of their “fun” day out petting little lions.