DJ Black Coffee

DJ Black Coffee opened up about his insecurities he has had about his hand. When he was young he was involved in an accident that left it paralysed.


Earlier in the month the talented DJ took to Instagram to share his happiness in celebrating his son’s birthday. We shared his sweet words and now once again he has taken to Instagram to share his thoughts on yet another big part of his life.

Recently he was in Berlin with the famous artist Yoh Nagao when he was snapped in a rare moment showing his hand. This isn’t some revelation until you look at other images and realise that DJ Black Coffee never shows his hand in pictures.

He decided to open up about his insecurities and to use the moment to encourage others to love themselves.

“When I was young after the car accident I use to wear one (a brace) and being a kid it was hard as kids can be mean so I decided to stop wearing it especially in public. It has taken me so much time to appear like this in public because of my own insecurities but I decided to post this picture not just because for years people had their own versions of my story, I did this for myself.”

“This is a big step for me personally, being able to walk freely without over thinking is such a great achievement for me and I’m becoming more confident to do it more often.”

“We all have little/big things that we don’t like about ourselves and we often put ourselves down before other people do, I’m personally working towards breaking those chains in my space and I believe with this I’m gonna unlock even more opportunities for myself.”

“Don’t let anything pull you down.”

“Fight for the best version of yourself.”

He faces up to the emotional conditioning that men have faced over the years. He wants men to realise that it is ok and healthy to have and show emotions. By embracing this they can be better fathers and male role models.

“I’ve always been a tough person I’d take anything, even inherit other people’s problems and bottle them inside while they eat me up, now as a Father I try to teach my kids not to do the same so I’m learning to not to be strong when I’m not supposed to be, I’m learning to cry and reflect in my own truth and all my faults and I’m trying be better.”

“My dear Brothers it’s ok, it’s ok to cry. Growing up we were often told “indoda ayikhali” (meaning: a man doesn’t cry). This line has mostly groomed men with no emotions who find it easy to harm other people (emotionally or physically) mostly women. Lets change this. Let’s be our Parent’s wildest dreams. It starts with facing ourselves then loving ourselves.”

“I’m so proud of me.”

“I love me.”

Once again DJ Black Coffee has all the right things to say. This only makes us love him more!

Sources: Instagram
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About the Author

Tyler Leigh Vivier is a writer for Good Things Guy.

Her passion is to spread good news across South Africa with a big focus on environmental issues, animal welfare and social upliftment. Outside of Good Things Guy, she is an avid reader and lover of tea.

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