The Grace Factory – Vaal took to social media today to thank the anonymous donors that dropped off essential baby items for its cause.
Vaal, South Africa (09 November 2022) – Anonymous donors are the people that keep non-profit organisations’ spirits flying high. Being a non-profit can be very hard so when a donor makes a donation, it’s a serious mood booster! The Grace Factory – Vaal shared its thanks via Facebook today after several anonymous donors dropped off essential baby goods at one of their drop-off points.
The Grace Factory is an NPO that gives practical assistance to moms and babies in need during the first few weeks of motherhood and infancy. The organisation packs beautiful gift sets and delivers them to new moms in government hospitals all over South Africa. The packs consist of basic necessities such as clothes, blankets, toiletries, nappies and a few things for mom.
Most of the items come from either direct donations or purchased from funds raised. Keeping a good stock of these items is essential for the Grace Factory to keep new moms and newborns stocked with their own essentials.
The Grace Factory has several drop-off points that allow people to donate baby goods. These often come in the shape of homemade blankets and beanies, toiletries and even toys. The Vaal branch shared their thanks.
“We are so grateful to all the kind and generous people who drop of baby goods at our drop off points. We might not know you by name, but your kindness touches us and will help us reach more vulnerable moms and babies in our community.” – The Vaal, Grace Factory
A beanie here and a babygrow there, may not seem like much, but for mothers without anything – these donations are a lifeline to keeping their baby warm and safe.
You can find out more about the Grace Factory in the Vaal here.