Morgan Freeman Coffee Kindness
Photo Credit: Ekrulila from Pexels

Ursula Ludick was just 23 and in something of a rut when she met Morgan Freeman during the filming of ‘Invictus’. Over a “true cup of South African coffee”, they had a conversation that would change her life forever:


South Africa (16 July 2024) — Conversations over cups of coffee tend to lead to unexpected places. Sometimes, they lead to the beginning of a lifelong friendship. Other times, they lead to great reunions. And every so often, they might just lead us to the advice we’ve always needed to hear—even if we never see the stranger who shared it with us again. Ursula Ludick knows a thing or two about the latter. So much so that she’s currently on a mission to thank a very special stranger—Morgan Freeman—for the advice he gave her over a cup of coffee that changed her life.

Ursula’s life-changing coffee with Morgan Freeman happened back in 2008 when the actor who needs no introduction was in South Africa to film ‘Invictus’ where he played Nelson Mandela in the telling of Madiba and the Springboks’ journey to uniting a nation through sport.

Now, Ursula’s on a mission to thank Mr Freeman for the conversation they had—one she credits as the spark for some of the biggest and most beautiful decisions of her life.

Taking to share her story via a video on social media, Ursula explained why the encounter that happened all those years ago still has a massive place in her heart.

“I had coffee with Morgan Freeman and he changed my life,” she begins, taking viewers back to the day she met him.

Ursula was just 23 and working at an International Aviation company when (almost as if by the hands of fate) she just so happened to be on duty when Morgan Freeman landed in Johannesburg. It was her job to escort him to the lounge but in South African fashion she decided to offer him a “true cup of South African coffee” as well—a little act that would snowball into something remarkable.

After she made the cup for him, he was kind enough to ask her where her own cup was—something unusual for a high-profile visitor. Soon, the two were sat in conversation.

Ursula recalls that the actor had said something along the lines of “I’m sure you enjoy working here” after complimenting the facilities. Ursula admitted that her job was enjoyable but for some reason, felt she could confide in Mr Freeman and explained that it wasn’t necessarily her passion.

“It was what followed Mr Freeman that I had hoped for years to thank you for,” she said directly to Mr. Freeman in an open letter.

Mr Freeman asked Ursula why she thought him good at what he does. To this, Ursula humbly responded, “because you are a great actor.” But Mr Freeman corrected her, sharing that the true reason is something else—it’s because he loves what he does.

“If you love what you do, you will never work a day in your life,” he advised—unknowingly changing the young woman’s life with the ensemble of wise words.

Ursula explained that she had always loved dancing, despite not thinking herself the best at it. Her insecurity had held her back from pursuing her labour of love to the point where she’d ended up in a completely different industry with a strikingly different trajectory from the world of dance.

But after Morgan Freeman’s words, Ursula began rethinking her decisions.

“A couple weeks [after the coffee] I phoned my dance mentor and enrolled into a 5 year course to [qualify] to teach. Just a couple months later, I quit my job with the aviation company and this is where you’d be proud of me: today I am the owner of two successful dance studios in the Westrand of Johannesburg,” Ursula beamed.

“Just because of what you said that day, catapulted me into following my dreams. And now there are even bigger things to come and your words still drive me. I am hoping to publish my first book soon and so the dreaming continues, only they’re not dreams anymore, I’m making them happen, because I’m doing what I love!

“Thank you Mr. Freeman for being an inspiration to me that day, I will be forever grateful and all I hope is for you to get my message.”

Ursula is now hoping that if her video of thanks gets enough support through views, it will be able to reach the star and let him know how far him taking the time to share a few words of wisdom with a stranger has taken her.

While it’s safe to say most of us aren’t Morgan Freeman, the moral of the story shines brighter than any Oscar. A few thoughtful words shared with someone else does matter. Taking the time to listen to another person’s journey counts more than we think. And when we have the opportunity to guide someone, even in the smallest way, taking it could lead them to an entirely new world of possibilities.

You can support Ursula’s video here.

@dearheartproducti Help me get this message to Morgan Freeman #makeitgoviral #fypage #morganfreeman #fyp #southafrica #dreamsdocometrue #dowhatyoulove #coffeewithmorganfreeman ♬ Boundless Worship – Josué Novais Piano Worship

Sources: Ursula Ludick
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About the Author

Ashleigh Nefdt is a writer for Good Things Guy.

Ashleigh's favourite stories have always seen the hidden hero (without the cape) come to the rescue. As a journalist, her labour of love is finding those everyday heroes and spotlighting their spark - especially those empowering women, social upliftment movers, sustainability shakers and creatives with hearts of gold. When she's not working on a story, she's dedicated to her canvas or appreciating Mother Nature.

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