Currently, over 6.5 billion trees are lost each year due to human activities and natural disasters. That’s why BioCarbon Engineering, founded in 2014 and based in Oxford, UK, plans to…
Airports Company South Africa is steaming ahead with its plans to green South Africa’s airports. On Friday 13 May, Kimberley Airport in the Northern Cape, joined George Airport in becoming…
The latest trend on the food market isn’t a Vegan restaurant, or a new food chain. Its a healthy vending machine, and its taking South Africa by storm! Two…
BMW Group South Africa has partnered with Uber to bring UberGREEN, a 100% electric commuting experience with the aim of reducing CO ₂ emissions in Johannesburg. UberGREEN is a pilot…
Just 2 days ago, Tesla Motors’ CEO Elon Musk unveiled their newest electric car — the Model 3. And the world went wild. As of this writing, Tesla’s already taken…
On March 19, dozens of countries around the world observed the 10th annual “Earth Hour.” Famous landmarks around the world — and millions of private citizens — turned off their…
As the saying goes, everybody’s Irish on Saint Patrick’s Day, and even if you don’t drink beer, or wear green… you can still share blessings with each other and hope…
The first solar powered airport in South Africa has officially been opened making it a first of its kind in Africa. George Airport which serves over 600,000 passengers annually, has…
A new law recently passed in France mandates that all new buildings that are built in commercial zones in France must be partially covered in either plants or solar panels….
It seems these days that the word “green” is everywhere. I don’t just mean the colour; it is a lifestyle that respects the environment by purchasing and using products that…
Where mind meets heart
“When we love, we always strive to become better than we are. When we strive to become better than we are, everything around us becomes better too.” ― Paulo Coelho