A pawtrait of the of the finer things in life: Golden Doodle, Aiden, admires a piece from Louise Gelderblom which forms part of the African tails Art Auction on September 19th - Photo Credit: Supplied

Cape Town artists are auctioning off their pieces to make a bigger picture of difference for animals in need across the Cape!


Cape Town, South Africa (03 September 2024) — Creativity and a cause will share the limelight in Bo-Kaap later this month as Cape Town artists unite for African Tails’ biggest fundraiser! Here, their pieces will unite to create a bigger picture of difference for animals in need across the Cape.

A Cape Town-based NPO that has been in the business of caring for animals for nearly 20 years, African Tails has made an indelible mark on the city.

To date, they have sterilised over 16,500 animals, homed over 2,300 and treated just shy of 4,000 while feeding over 13,000 dogs and cats who call the streets home. While their mission is led by heart, it’s made possible by donations, which is where the artists come in!

“The Art Auction is our biggest fundraiser, and we are thrilled and so grateful to have these amazing artists donate some incredible pieces of which all proceeds will ensure we can continue our work,” says Yael Sacks, one of the founders of African Tails.

The auction in question will see some of Cape Town’s most celebrated artists generously donate their works; including Nicola Bailey, Cathy Abrahams, Mbuleleo Terrence Lakota, Gabrielle Kruger, Michael Chandler, Kate Gottgens and Louise Gelderblom.

All of the proceeds will make a direct beeline to African Tails; helping the organisation keep on keeping on for another year of changing, saving and impacting lives, largely in a sustainable way through specialised programmes.

“African Tails strives to make a sustainable long-term impact through mass sterilisations and pet care education in impoverished communities,” explains Yael. “The impact of the pet care education transcends pet care, and imparts pivotal skills such as responsibility, empathy and accountability which are wonderful life skills.”

Mass sterilisation is also the apple of Tails’ focus. The organisation shares that one unsterilised female dog and her offspring can produce a whopping 67,000 puppies in just six years. The focus on sterilisation then helps combat the over-population of neglected and abused dogs and cats.

However, thanks to animal-loving artists and generous support, year-on-year, the art auction has made a difference, with hopes that this year, it will be booked into the same calibre.

Art Auction Details

  • When: 19 September from 5:30 pm
  • Where: Erik & Claude Foundation, 35 Rose Street, Bo-Kaap

You can find more information at www.africantails.co.za

Sources: Supplied
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About the Author

Ashleigh Nefdt is a writer for Good Things Guy.

Ashleigh's favourite stories have always seen the hidden hero (without the cape) come to the rescue. As a journalist, her labour of love is finding those everyday heroes and spotlighting their spark - especially those empowering women, social upliftment movers, sustainability shakers and creatives with hearts of gold. When she's not working on a story, she's dedicated to her canvas or appreciating Mother Nature.

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