Banish the garbage: Volunteers have rolled up their sleeves to tidy up around the Edenvale local bridge.
Edenvale, South Africa (24 June 2021) – AfriForum’s Edenvale branch encouraged a clean-up project. The project took place at the Margaret bridge in Illiondale.
The litter around the bridge and spruit has been an eyesore for quite some time, therefore the community decided to assist in cleaning up.
“These kind of projects are launched to promote the community in a proactive manner and also to ensure that a natural feature, such as the spruit, is left in a better condition than before,” says Dewet Ungerer, District Coordinator for the East Rand.
According to Ungerer, it is one of many clean-up projects that will take place around the spruit in Edenvale.
They removed discarded masks, fizzy drink bottles and cigarette butts from the area, as well as old food.
“Food waste can attract rats that can chew on cables leading to signal failures, delays and even accidents,” Ungerer said in a statement.
The spring clean got off to a flying start earlier this month as volunteers rolled up their sleeves to tidy up their
The community said every couple of months, word gets passed around Edenvale that it’s time for a litter pick up.
They hope this incredible good deed will inspire similar initiatives to do the same.