The Eco Culture Sechaba Foundation is changing the face of underprivileged schools in SA by implementing recycling and greener alternatives which boost the school’s functionalities.


The children are the future so what better way to boost their abilities than to implement green alternatives at school. These changes, no matter how small, teach the youth how to better protect the environment. They also provide a better schooling environment that boosts the children’s chances of a good education.

Many schools in South Africa are underfunded or left to fall apart. Some don’t have much at all. This is why it is important to invest in better schooling, especially for the underprivileged.

The Eco Culture Sechaba Foundation is doing exactly that! They are investing in underprivileged schools and making them more sustainable.

The Foundation runs a project called “The Green Schools Model” and helps pair corporate businesses with schools in need. They then implement eco changes within the schools, supported with curriculum-based education and workshops to promote sustainability and ownership within the schools.

In March of this year, the Foundation in conjunction with Adopt-a-School Foundation and VW Community Trust implemented programmes at the Tsakani Primary school in Kagiso. They installed a recycling programme as well as a biogas digester system.

“We provided a series of educational workshops for both the schools’ teachers and cleaning staff on the effects of pollution as well as the importance of responsibly managing your waste through recycling. The resale of the waste will generate an income for the school.”

By implementing the biogas system, the school’s kitchen will be self-sustaining. All the kitchen staff were trained and taught how the system works and how best to utilise it. Alongside these two big changes, the school was also given a vegetable garden which will aid the kitchen in providing meals to the children.

The final instalment was a rainwater catchment system. All these changes have helped the school become more self-reliant and gives them the ability to source alternative funding through recycling.

To find out more about adopting a school, check out their Facebook page here.

Sources: Supplied (Quarterly Report)
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About the Author

Tyler Leigh Vivier is a writer for Good Things Guy.

Her passion is to spread good news across South Africa with a big focus on environmental issues, animal welfare and social upliftment. Outside of Good Things Guy, she is an avid reader and lover of tea.

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