Buffel the Elephant Seal has plonked himself comfortably on the busy Fish Hoek beach but the SPCA urges people to let him relax, he will move on shortly.
Fish Hoek Beach – Buffel, an elephant seal, has made himself at home on Fish Hoek Beach so he can moult. He is healthy and happy and shouldn’t be pestered by the public too much and all dogs should be kept tightly on a leash.
Once Buffel has completed his moulting, he will swim off again. It can take weeks for his moult to be completed. At the moment, only his face and nose have started moulting. Steve Benjamin, founder of Animal Ocean has been to see Buffel and confirmed it could take at least 4-weeks fo Buffel to finish his moult.
“His moult has started and now he’s committed to seeing it through in peace on the beach. Someone has put a tape barrier around him, which is working well. We went down and put up some information about him to help inform the public. He could be in that spot for the next month as his moult continues.
At the moment its only his face skin that has peeled off. He will get more and more itchy as the rest of the coat comes off. Expect lots of sand flicking and rubbing!” -Steve Benjamin
Steve confirmed that Buffel most likely hasn’t developed a fear for humans or dogs, saying that we probably just look like large penguins.
Steve also said that he should not be chased back into the ocean. He will not leave the beach until he is finished shedding his old coat so he will not eat during this time.
The Cape of Good Hope SPCA asked that people be aware of Buffel and keep their animals on leashes and away from him. Humans may go up to have a look but should stay quiet and keep a distance as not to pester him.
“Buffel is doing just fine… Follow these tips to ensure he enjoys his short stay in Cape Town.
NB: If you do wish to go catch a glimpse of this handsome fella, please ensure that you keep noise levels down and keep dogs away from the seal and on a secure leash.” – Cape of Good Hope SPCA
Spread this far and wide so people on Fish Hoek beach know he is there and can be kept safe.