The City of Johannesburg is still under water restrictions. Good Things Guy wanted to share what that means and which rules should be followed.
While sitting around the dinner table on Saturday evening the topic of water restrictions came up. Everyone was focusing on what it must be like to live in Cape Town and be restricted to such a minimal amount of water on a daily basis. It wasn’t until the topic of Joburg water restrictions came up, that we realised over half the table didn’t even know there are restrictions currently in place.
Johannesburg is in fact under water restrictions, as is most of South Africa. The country is a water scarce region and this shouldn’t be forgotten.
In March 2017, the level 2 restrictions were partially lifted, this was due to the rainfall causing most dams to reach 100% capacity within a matter of days. Even with nearly full dams, the water restrictions have remained in place because of the of the unpredictable rains. Currently, the province is under level 1 restrictions.
The level 1 restrictions still mean the following needs to be adhered to on a daily basis.
- Watering of gardens is only allowed between 18:00-06:00 (1 September and 31 March); and between 16:00-08:00 (1 April and 31 August). Residents are now able to use irrigation systems and hosepipes.
- All consumers are prohibited from using a hose-pipe to clean paved areas and driveways with municipal water.
- Residents can now fill up their swimming pools with a recommendation that they invest in a cover as this significantly reduces evaporation.
We are following up on any of the other rules that may apply and have not been published yet, we will update you as soon as we have the information.
“Water-saving must become part of our lifestyle. The water conservation measures implemented as a result of the restrictions must become the norm. Residents are urged to keep on using grey water for watering gardens and flushing toilets; to report leaks and bursts and install water saving devices.” – Counsler Nico de Jager